Innovate With Us

Join the Navigated Learning Collaborative.

Become a Member


Innovators, practitioners, and partners leverage Navigator technology in unique ways. Gooru has developed membership models to fit the needs of all collaborators.


Navigator is a research-to-practice platform enabling researchers to experiment with Navigator, leveraging their expertise and practices through access to a large, real-time database. Innovators bring strong foundations in learning sciences, artificial intelligence, and education practices to the Navigator.

Lab schools gain access to cutting edge tools to support learning and they help to inform the tools, define best practices, and use the updated tools in their Navigated Learning implementation.

Funders help to support innovation in all aspects of Navigator and see their impact with real-time data.


Practitioners institutionalize innovations with education programs accessing real-time data to study the efficacy of their tools and practices. Changes made to the content, tools, and practices are informed by data to continually enhance and support learning outcomes and instructor practices.

Practitioners contribute to Navigator in a unique way. Content providers contribute to Navigator by helping build competency models and tag existing open content with rich metadata. Implementers and users provide anonymized data from their use of Navigator which fuels the research-to-practice cycle, and tool providers develop open-source Navigator tools available to Navigator users. Practitioners can validate content, tools, and practices.


Partners bring Navigator to their users. Gooru’s partners take Navigator and its tools to millions of users around the world. Gooru packages Navigator tools, so partners can integrate these tools into their applications to bring Navigated Learning to millions of diverse learners across disciplines, geographies, and learning abilities.

Gooru’s partners integrate the curated Navigator catalog of a full spectrum of open education resources or a white-labeled Math Navigator into their services.  This gives their instructors, learners, and administrators access to the full functionality of Navigator tools.

Navigator is Free and Open

Navigator is free for all individual instructors and learners around the world. It's an open tool which has been developed by Gooru with inputs from Navigated Learning Collaborative Members.

Membership Fees and Benefits

Joining the Navigated Learning Collaborative, gives collaborators access to all Navigator tools and other benefits. Annual membership fees are based on institution size to ensure that collaborators at every level can gain access to Navigator. A paid membership gives members tenancy on the Navigator platform, unlimited access to all the Navigator tools including access for their admins to Mission Control and Navigator Library, personalized training, consulting services for strategic use of Navigator, dedicated user support, free consulting for the effective use of Navigator as well as many other collaborative opportunities.

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